For all you women out there who have yet to find a way around your monthly set of menstrual cramps, these tips should help you find pain relief.
Daily aerobics - Exercising daily helps to strengthen your body's muscles and keeps them flexible. Asides from strengthening your body, it helps to reduce the pain of the cramps.
Back stretches - This helps guard against the pain of the back muscles contracting during menses.
Stomach crunches - Doing tummy exercises helps to toughen you up for those painful cramps you experience when your uterus muscles contract.
Eat a high protein/ calcium diet.
Avoid taking iron supplements during your period.
Try eating chocolate to help ease the cramps. This is no old wives tale. It actually works :).
Sleep extra.
Drink plenty of water and liquids to help restock your body with fluids.
Avoid doing exercise during the first one or two days of your bleeding. The above mentioned exercises should be done throughout the month and on a regular basis, although not on the first one or two days of the actual period.
Be positive. It sure helps!
I found that taking vitamin E helps a lot with menstrual cramps