Are you one of those women who find using public toilets against the grain of your being? Do you walk into a public restroom and go ‘Ew!’? Is your first reaction to stop drinking liquids on a long trip so that your visits to the less-than-hygienic restroom stops along the way are infrequent? If you are, shake my hand on it. I’m another one of those germ-conscious, I-hate-using-public-restroom people.
Unfortunately though, no matter what precautions we take, there will always be that inevitable ‘I gotta go now!’ situation where your mind simply does not yield to taking control over the matter. In those odd and sometimes freaky situations (local public restrooms and the like) there are ways in which you can keep yourself clean and still do your thing.
Here are some methods I’ve found to be especially clean and helpful. I hope it’s a help to those of you out there who are conscious and find it awkward to deal with such situations.
Take ‘The Stance’The Stance is something every mother teaches to her daughter. If not, some kind friend while growing up will show you the way. It’s just one of those ‘must have’ skills.
Using The Stance skill, is not difficult at all. Anyone with legs that can reach the floor can do it. You just do your thing without actually sitting on that seat.
Always carry tissue paper In my experience in India, it’s a 50/50 chance as to whether or not you will actually find this ‘luxury’ in many public restrooms.
Make it a point to ALWAYS carry some with you. If not for this, then it’ll come in handy in some other way – as a first-aid help, as a way to dry your hands, etc. Keep it handy.
Another way you can use your tissue stash, is by laying it out over the toilet seat so you can actually sit down on that seat without having to wonder if the woman before you had anything you may catch.
Wet/ Antibacterial wipesI used to carry a box of wet wipes with me everywhere I went, although my handbag would often get heavy and I have to admit that I ended up chucking it out of my daily carry-on luggage. Instead I found a nice alternative to that: antibacterial wipes.
Antibacterial wipes are perfect for wiping your hands after using a public restroom, especially if there is no running water or clean soaps available (which I have often found to be the case).
See if you can get the individually wrapped antibacterial wipes, as it’s more practical and hygienic this way.
Hand disinfectant Now I carry this along with me just incase I run out of wipes, but I should think that if you have the antibacterial wipes with you always, you wouldn’t need this as well.
I picked up a Pure Hands Herbal Hand Sanitizer by Himalaya at a local Guardian pharmacy the other day and though I’ve yet to use it, just the thought of it being there 'just incase' is reassuring.
So… there’s my little piece of advice to you fellow women when faced with such dire everyday situations. But it’s not unique for us women, you men can find some good tips in here too!